9% of Malaysian women who have ever been in a relationship experience domestic violence.
That’s over 800,000 women across Malaysia.
We see such violence as symptomic of a deeper problem: gender inequality.
Violence happens when women’s equal rights, worth, and dignity are not recognised.
Our mission is to end violence against women and promote gender equality in Malaysia.
In 1982, we set up Malaysia’s first domestic violence shelter, and today, we’re the largest service provider for domestic violence survivors in Malaysia.

Through our Hotline and SMS/WhatsApp line (TINA), we reach over 3,000 women each year, informing them about their rights.

We provide shelter to over 100 women and children each year, ensuring that women who flee abusive homes have a safe place to go.

Our social workers walk with women throughout the justice process, giving them emotional support, and helping them access services from the police, hospitals, welfare department, and other agencies.
We also raise awareness and change mindsets. Because to end violence against women, we need a society that respects women’s rights and dignity.

Our “Harapan Sentiasa Ada” art exhibition at the Masjid Jamek LRT station highlighted artwork and stories by domestic violence survivors.

Our “Invisible Women” art exhibition put a spotlight on gender discrimination in the workplace.

We train communities to recognise and respond to domestic violence and gender inequalities, because it takes all of us to create a Better Malaysia for Women.
Informed by women’s lived experiences, we advocate to improve laws and policies, to create lasting change in our society.

We work with various government stakeholders including the Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development to improve legislation and policy to fight gender based violence.

We train frontliners such as the police, social welfare officers, and healthcare professionals to respond to domestic violence.

We leverage UN mechanisms such as the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).
WAO Vision
To create a society that upholds the principles of substantive equality where all women enjoy their human rights in every sphere.
WAO Mission
To promote and create the respect, protection and fulfilment of equal rights for women and to work towards the elimination of discrimination against women, in particular the elimination of violence against women.
WAO Objectives
- To provide temporary refuge to women (and their children) suffering from mental, physical and sexual violence, harassment and abuse; these temporary refuge services should empower and enable them to determine their own futures.
- To offer emotional and social support to any women who request it, resident or otherwise, and offer support and aftercare.
- To undertake and encourage research into any of the factors which contribute to the inequality and subordination of women
- To advocate with government and non-government organizations, through the law, policy, institutional and societal reforms, for the eradication of factors that contribute to the inequality and subordination of women.
- To create awareness and better understanding among individuals, the public and relevant agencies about the issues of violence against women and underlying inequalities that contribute to such violence.
WAO Values
We act with respect and compassion.
To be part of WAO means:
- Respect boundaries and choices made by the women
- Respect each other’s privacy, workspace and belongings
- Resolve conflict in a positive and constructive manner
We are inclusive, non-judgemental and open minded.
To be part of WAO means:
- Seek opinions before making any decisions
- Recognise and respect each person’s individuality
- Am open to ideas from others
We take personal and organisational accountability.
To be part of WAO means:
- Take pride in producing good quality work
- Acknowledge and learn from mistakes
- Reduce, reuse and recycle
We are a team of fun-loving and passionate professionals
To be part of WAO means:
- Approach my work with a sense of fun and creativity
- Support everyone in the team by going the extra mile
- Think out of the box
- Dress appropriately at all times
- Am always punctual
We strive to be courageous
To be part of WAO means:
- Take risks for the best interest of our clients
- Always speak the truth
- Give constructive criticism to encourage improvement
- Exercise my rights to influence positive social change