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Wanita Suara Perubahan: ADUNs and MP’s to Receive an Important Package for International Women’s Day

ADUNs and MPs to receive an important package for International Women’s Day   Women in Malaysia have had enough of corruption and dirty politics – and on International Women’s Day 2012, “Wanita Suara Perubahan” is going to do something about it!  Please send…

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You Can Make A Difference Now (YCMADN): WAO embarks on a new fundraising and public awareness campaign to raise RM 300,00.00 by December 31st, 2011 Empowering Abused Women The Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) is organising a fund-raising and public education campaign aimed at supporting and empowering the lives of abused women. The campaign, called “You Can Make A Difference (MAD) Now!”, is geared at…

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