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WAO Jumble Sale at Amcorp Mall

Jumble Sale

by Women’s Aid Organisation

26 March 2009


DEAR ALL!!!!!!

WAO is once again organising our very first jumble sale for this year!!

If you’ve been a regular to our jumble sales @ Amcorp Mall, you would know that you simply cannot miss this quarterly event!!! We’ve got loads of stuff such as crockery, household items, crystal ware, trinkets, shoes, bags – you name it we will have it!!!

So…don’t miss this great opportunity to buy valuable and lovely items which will be up for grabs!!

If you are looking to buy something nice, something sweet, something memorable and something CHEAP!! Well, look no further. Head on down on your Saturday or Sunday morning to Amcorp Mall.


Details :

Date : 4 & 5 April
Time : 10.30 – 6.00pm
Venue : Amcorp Mall, Petaling Jaya



For more information, please contact Annie at 79575636 / 0636 or

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