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The Trishaw Man / Beca Man

A Truly Charitable Cause

8 April 2009


Women’s Aid Organisation is happy to work with Frankie Tan on this very novel idea to raise funds! Frankie has come up with an innovative idea of raising funds while cycling his trishaw from Melacca to Penang. He will start his journey on 6th June from Melacca and hopes to raise funds for 4 charities. WAO is honoured to be one of the beneficiaries.


For more information and update on Frankie’s journey, please feel free to browse his website. WAO would welcome any donation given for this event and wel come you to send us the donations to our Public Bank Savings Account : 4/5230685/13 .

Please note that if you wish for us to send you an acknowledement of the donation, kindly fax / email a copy of the bank in slip to us at (FAX) 79563237 or

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